Welcome to Cardinal Cosplay!
Tuesdays @ 7-9pm
Student Center room 303Bringing Ball States cosplaying and con-going
community together with fun activities
and skill-sharing! You don’t have to cosplay to attend!
Contact [email protected] for the link to our discord or for any additional questions
Cut Throat Cosplay
Cutthroat is based on Cutthroat Kitchen. Participants are organized into teams and must make a cosplay in 2 hours using only provided materials.
The final product is judged by a panel of judges (usually officers) and the winning team receives a prize!
Teams can “sabotage” each other to make craftsmanship more difficult (historically: fingers taped together, no scissors not allowed to talk)
Yule Ball
Yule Ball is a dance held in the ballroom of the Student Center, with food, music, and dancing. Cosplay, formal or informal wear is all welcome, though cosplay is encouraged for the costume contest/royalty.